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Teguh Widodo

The Evolution of the Honorary Council of the Code of Ethics: Strengthening SAI Indonesia

10 Juni 2024 / Q2 2024 - SAIs with Jurisdictional Power Vol.51, No.2 Hal. 48-53.

Striving for a high standard of ethical assurance has been deeply rooted as part of daily services in public institutions. Globally, INTOSAI has ISSAI 130 on the Code of Ethics, which underlines the importance of implementing an ethics control system within the SAI. The system does not only carry out ethical requirements but also other programs, such as risk identification, analysis, mitigation, educational support, assessment of misconduct allegations, and suspect protection. SAIs worldwide vie to initiate a satisfactory management climate and proactively ensure the expected morality. Invariably, SAI Indonesia believes in honouring these values.